Deep troubleshooting capabilities are crucial for effective issue resolution when acquiring a media monitoring system for IP workflows. After receiving real-time alerts, engineers need a solution that enables them to dive deep into video content to identify and resolve errors quickly and effectively.
Enhanced monitoring solutions store detailed information and offer intuitive navigation, allowing engineers to pinpoint the exact location of the problem within the video delivery. This deep troubleshooting process is akin to an MRI scan in healthcare, providing a proper diagnosis of the issue.
The What, Where, Why (WWW) Concept is central to addressing errors or unexpected events in video delivery. Operators and engineers seek answers to three key questions: What exactly happened, and how does it impact customers? Where did it happen? And why did it happen?
Our advanced media monitoring system allows operators to explore channels in-depth, systematically answering these questions. They can determine the specific error condition, identify the location of the error, and gain insights into the root cause. While the monitoring solution may not always provide an explanation, it equips operators with enough information to make informed decisions or continue troubleshooting unexplored areas of the workflow.

Imagine a broadcast engineer or operator responsible for monitoring their Content Distribution Network (CDN) streams during a live program or event. Suddenly, an alert appears on their monitoring system, indicating a significant drop in video quality or a disparity between the Origin server and one of their CDN locations. Our advanced media monitoring system allows the engineer to dive deep into the channel’s key performance indicators (KPIs) and specific streaming data to investigate the issue.
The engineer can analyze the video stream in realtime by utilizing the system’s deep troubleshooting user experience (UX) workflow. They identify that the video macro blocking distortion occurred during a particular time, affecting the experience of some viewers. With intuitive navigation, they quickly determine the precise moment and location of the error, enabling them to take immediate action.
When evaluating monitoring systems, consider the number of probing points supported. Large number ensures better error detection across different codecs, formats, IP workflows, and even vendor-specific hardware or software. Leading systems typically offer coverage for hundreds of probing points, enabling thorough monitoring. For a comprehensive understanding of deep troubleshooting and to unlock the full potential of your next video monitoring system, download our complete buyer’s guide, “The Insider’s Guide to Selecting Your Media Monitoring Solution.” Elevate your troubleshooting process, simplify complexity, and stay ahead of constant change in our industry. Discover new growth opportunities and optimize the quality of your media delivery today.