Works everywhere you do
TAG’s realtime media platform can run on COTS hardware, VM, cloud and hybrid workflows, and will adjust with your business plans
Why the Cloud
The choice to move to the cloud is ultimately driven by business enablement: to enable your media operation to thrive in an era of uncertainty

Rapid workflow changes & adoption of new technologies

Geographically diverse on-demand resiliency

Cost to consumption alignment
Full visibility & control for ANY cloud & hybrid workflow
Infinite ways to connect, monitor and visualize cloud workflows that deliver incredible results
Full format coverage
Leverage comprehensive format support, including cloud native formats, to enbale the workflow you need today, and your future growth plans

Cloud agnostic
Run on the most recent instances with leading cloud providers and leverage the agility of the cloud/hybrid workflow

Cloud enabling partnerships
Elevate your cloud workflow with TAG partnerships, to make sure your workflow interoperates and excells

Maximize resources & enable your business in the cloud
Reduce resource usage and align your cost to consumption
Scale up and down
Spin your TAG up along with your cloud only when you need it, and align your cost to consumption while accomodating new opportunities in realtime

Dynamically share TAG licenses
Share TAG licenses across teams, locations & functionalities, and easily switch licenses between ground, cloud and hybrid environments
Save resources & maximize operations
Enjoy signifcant compute resources savings with TAG Adaptive monitoring and TAG Bridge, and make the most of your cloud environment
We are

Every License unlocks all TAG platform functionalities

Share Zero Friction Licenses between locations and teams

Align costs to your consumption by choosing opex, capex or hybrid models
Trusted and certified
100% confidence & interoperability in cloud environments

The TAG platform has been awarded the AWS Foundational Technical Review (FTR) badge across all workflows: Live production, Playout, Delivery & OTT

TAG received both SRT READY and SRT PLUGGED status after participating in the SRT event by Haivision

The TAG platform is constantly evaluated for reliability and interoperaibility in cloud related interop events

Live Sports in the Cloud- Munich Media Operations & MITM
Learn all about this succussful cloud implementation of live sports playout, management and delivery for a German telecom company by Munich Media Operations & MITM.
MMO Managing Director, Andreas Göttl: “Projects of this size can take up to three years for public broadcasters to complete; one year for testing, one year for implementing, and another year for operating and adjusting. We didn’t have the luxury of a multi-year timeline. Nor did we want one. Whether a project of this size and caliber can be completed within a tight timeframe is dependent upon one’s mindset. If you come from an IT background and you’ve consulted on IT transformation projects in the past, the question is not “How can we?” It’s “Why can’t we?”
Resources for cloud optimization
Unlocking cloud-based quality of experience (QoE) management with TAG and AWS
In this blog post, we look at how the TAG Realtime Media Platform helps broadcasters maintain operational and engineering familiarity with traditional master control room (MCR) workflows by leveraging native AWS services to facilitate TAG’s alarm capabilities. We compare the solution to a traditional monitoring workflow and discuss key design considerations.
Optimizing Linear Media Processes for Cloud
This paper looks at the advancements that have been made and the challenges that still lie ahead for fully utilizing the cloud in linear media operations, It examines the “lift and shift” perspective that still pervades most media technology and how cloud utilization is still being held back by operations wedded to legacy workflows.
We examine the most recent developments, especially those related to live production in the cloud.
Future of Broadcasting Technology: Hybrid Environments
In the hybrid environments emerging today as a popular choice for cloud adoption, broadcasters and other media organizations are using a mix of cloud resources with on-prem hardware and methodologies to address their technical and business requirements. This shift can be transformational for a media organization when planned and executed well.
Guide: 7 Tips for Building Cloud Video Architecture
If you’re looking for ways to minimize risk and ensure you get the most out of cloud-hosted infrastructure, check out our new guide, “Building the Cloud Video Architecture You Want and Need.”
You’ll Learn:
– Just how much internal expertise you’ll need, and why
– Which planning steps can prevent headaches as you go live
– Why and how the network is critical to performance
– When and how to test and monitor your environment and network flow
Absolutely! Did you know all our existing clients tried the system before choosing TAG? Apply for your free 90 day trial here
Thanks to the TAG platform elaborate JSON API, any custom implementation is possible. You can manage any aspect of TAG via API. You can easily set up cutom user panels configured to control all system functionalities. Learn more about API.
Yes! The TAG open, flexible and rich APIs allow integrations with virtually any system. Learn about all integrations and partnerships here.
Absolutely- You can view all monitored streams in the same layout, including a mix of compressed and uncompressed. Learn about all supported formats & standards here
Learn about all the formats and standards TAG supports here